"私は四肢麻痺で、頭を動かすことができるだけです。したがって、言うまでもなく、コンピューターの使用は困難/不可能でした。しかし、ありがたいことに、私のような人々がコンピュータにアクセスできるようにする素晴らしいアプリケーションがいくつかあります。 HVKは私の人生に大きな違いをもたらしたアプリの1つです。HVKを使用すると、コンピューターに完全にアクセスできるようになり、失われたと思うこと(電子メール、インターネット、ゲーム、テキストメッセージ、携帯電話へのアクセスなど)を行う可能性が広がります。アプリは使いやすく、しかも強力です。キー、機能、およびプログラムをカスタマイズする機能は、HVKを欠かせません。他の仮想キーボードを試しましたが、HVKの機能を備えたものはありませんでした。"
"The keyboard is easier to use then other keyboards. The mouse has easy acces to the letters and other functions. You can make your own keyboard. I know some free keyboards do the same and I tried them to. But this one is affordable and is easy to use."
"Just started using - registered yesterday - and very impressed. I am setting up a simple touch-screen system to control my media server, using an old PC."
"Ideal for umpc without keyboard, far better than standard windows onscreen kb which came with my asus r2h. Now using small mini keyboard great! thanks!"
"First of all thanks for this great software, after one day try out, I definitely wanted to buy it. Thanks. I am now looking forward to new versions of your software :)"
"The Version 9 works like a charm now. The whole integration process was really straight forward."
"This is a very good software as soon as my users started using the square windows keyboard immediately they complained because you have to stretch your finger and is always on the way, not comfortable for you wrist, but as soon as I load this software with the UMPC style , they immediately notice how ergonomic is for a Tablet use and for data input… for a 10hrs a day shirt, this is key….great software!"
"Umm…you guys are going to make a zillion dollars once windows 8 tablet computers start to catch on! The built in OSK is absolutely awful. And Hot Virtual Keyboard is AMAZING!!! Keystroke macros (which can be encrypted), disable built in OSK, 70 keyboards large and small built in to choose from, the list goes on and on. A great piece of work.
Thank you so much for a great product!! You have made my Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2 much more usable and I am grateful."
"Wow. That was easy.
You get a lot of value for $30 for this software. It is worth more than that. :)"
"I downloaded the latest version of hot virtual keyboard, its perfect, thanks for upgrade."
"Great work !!!
Looks verry good, my customer is verry happy.
I like the speed and the way you help out customers.
Keep it going !"
"I love your software and have introduced the software to the manufactures of the new EXOPC. These guys I believe will be major players in the new touch "slate" market.
I think that your software will be an excellent choice of virtual keyboard for that or any company, well into the future.
Look, it's really, really good (almost great) software for any touch device."