How to change the keyboard input language from your application

Hot Virtual Keyboard shows the current input language.

Method 1

You can change the input language using the Windows message WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST:

SendMessage(GetForegroundWindow, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, 0, NewHKL);

Method 2

You can change the current system language using the /CHANGELANGUAGE command line parameter:


Language Codes:
English (EN) - 0409
German (DE) - 0407
Spain (ES) - 040A
French (FR) - 040C
Russian (RU) - 0419
Here you can find all language codes:

If you use this parameter without specifying an input language code, the program will switch the input language or layout to the next one:


Method 3

If you are writing kiosk software for a web browser, you can use the special JavaScript functions to control the on-screen keyboard. Launch Hot Virtual Keyboard and try these buttons:

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